Chazanut Concert in Memory of Jerry Goldstein
Book Now for the Chazanut Concert in memory of Jerry Goldstein.
Starring Shulem and Yanky Lemmer,
Avromi Frielich and the Rinah Ensemble
Avromi Frielich and the Rinah Ensemble
Shulem Lemmer
Shulem is the most recent rising star of the Jewish musical tradition that has been intertwined in the life, faith, and culture of the Jewish people throughout their history. Whether it’s prayers, psalms, or contemporary classics, this youthful Brooklyn tenor finds in music something rich and affirming, an endeavor that makes the soul soar and the spirit rise and speaks to the human condition. In fact, Shulem feels music aspires to go beyond current historical context to illuminate what he sees as the perfect dream: when the world is at peace. There are some voices that have to be heard – and Shulem’s is one of them.
Marking the first time that a singer from the orthodox Hasidic community has been signed to a major label, Shulem’s debut album, The Perfect Dream, will be released on Decca Gold, an imprint of Universal Music Group’s Verve Label Group. Produced by Jon Cohen, the album is an arresting arrival of a fresh voice — new to many –and yet already seasoned by years of performing for his congregation and the Hasidic community. The Perfect Dream finds Shulem masterfully embracing a broad range of material reflecting his varied musical tastes. His considerable vocal talents are supremely showcased in the two singles of the album, Les Miserables’ “Bring Him Home” and “Jerusalem Of Gold”.
Yanky Lemmer
Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Cantor Yaakov “Yanky” Lemmer is one of the leading young cantors on the cantorial horizon. His beautiful lyric tenor voice, dramatic color, and precise coloratura have garnered him universal praise among his peers and connoisseurs, alike. He began his singing career as the star soloist of the Young Israel of Bethel Choir, where world renowned Cantor Ben Zion Miller took him under his private tutelage. Yaakov earned a scholarship to the Belz School of Jewish Music at Yeshiva University, where he studied with Cantors Joseph Malovany and Bernard Beer. He also studied with cantorial legend Cantor Noach Schall, and has won a scholarship for vocal training in N.Y.C.
As an internationally renowned concert artist, Yaakov is in constant demand on the concert stage, as well as synagogues, thrilling audiences throughout the world. He has appeared at the Tel Aviv Culture Hall with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and has been featured throughout the United States, Canada, England, and at various European Culture Festivals. In addition, he has performed with Jazz/Klez legend Frank London and received rave reviews of his unique interpretations of traditional liturgical music. He has also officiated at some of the world’s most prominent pulpits throughout the world.
Chazan Avromi Freilich
Avromi was born in Gateshead in 1971 into a family renowned for its rabbinic scholarship, musical ability and service to the community. Whilst studying at Yeshiva in Israel, Avromi developed his vocal skills under many fine tutors, including the renowned Solomon Chumchenko. Returning to London at the age of 21, he continued his studies under the guidance of Chazan Haschel (formerly of Kinloss now of St John’s Wood Synagogue), Maestro L Seymour and more recently Mrs L Lider.
He has produced his first solo recording and, as far as his family, communal and professional duties permit, continues to fulfill the considerable demand for him to appear professionally in concerts.
Avromi’s singing reflects his nature. Just as he is sensitive, compassionate yet full of joie de vivre, so his tefillot (prayers) combine his commitment and devotion with a determination to involve and delight all who are privileged to hear him.